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simplified character中文是什么意思

用"simplified character"造句"simplified character"怎么读"simplified character" in a sentence


  • 简化字;简体字
  • 简体字


  • New e - banners with simplified characters
  • However , simplified characters that carry other meanings will be exempted from this criteria
  • This section of the test is presented in two writing systems : traditional characters and simplified characters
  • Simplified character only provides the pronouciation so the reader would be unable to determine the meaning without it ' s context
  • Keyboard . contain 0 9 enter delete back page up page down etc . 16 key - presses 128x64 lcd , can display 4x8 simplified character and blue background light
    自带键盘,包含0 9确认删除返回向上翻页向下翻页16个按键
  • Reading books with simplified characters and read from the internet newspapers and magazines in china are effective ways to learn simplified characters
  • Note : as a principle of simplifying chinese characters in mainland china , there is a defined relationship between simplified characters and traditional characters
  • Chars 2 , simplified characters ( 2 . 3 ) and ex 3 . read to the end of chars 2 . review units i and ii , tone combos , etc
    20学习识字课二中的“简体字”部分(第2 . 3章)并完成练习3 。阅读识字课二的最后一部分,复习单元一和单元二、复音音节等等。
  • From now on , e - banners with simplified characters are available for use . if departments are interested in placing these new e - banners , please call at 2927 4295
    由现在开始,设有简体版电子横额可供部门选择,如有兴趣,请致电: 2927 4295 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"simplified character"造句  
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